A skilled teacher, speaker, and moderator, Steve's presentations draw on his journeys, his stories, his photographs, his research, his activism, and his deep understanding of the spirit of the Desert West. He's also happy to speak to your book group if you are reading one of his books.
Reach Steve at steve@stephentrimble.net
"Steve is a world-class mentor, guide, teacher, and writer. So grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from him."
"Your slide presentation was extraordinary—a word I heard from several folks who attended the symposium."
"...pulled an assortment of information together brilliantly. ...the stories were captivating. ...the presentation had a gentle, steady, intellectually and emotionally charged pace and language that kept the audience's attention."
"He was inspiring. He put a fire in me to act. I’m grateful!"
"Stephen Trimble was lucid, lyrical, and thought-provoking without being ostentatious."
"That went well, indeed! More than that. It was magic!"
"When Stephen's presentation was over, it felt as if we had all been holding our breath. We were almost afraid to clap for fear of losing the light that he had brought to us."
"We have nothing but raves for you."
"I've heard from multiple sources, both students and community members, that your lecture deeply affected them. Thank you."
"Certainly the panel you moderated set a great standard for discussion that no other group could or even tried to reach."